
Your Education & Your Safety Are Our Top Priorities – EN/RO
While we are continually monitoring the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and are responding to information and guidance from Romanian and International authorities, we are working hard to develop plans for the reopening of campus, ready to welcome you to American Hotel Academy in October.
The wellbeing of our students and employees is always our number one priority and we are doing everything possible to ensure their safety during the current situation, also provide them with a stimulating, qualitative and rewarding environment and the onsite practical training that we believe is vital for the students’ hospitality career.
Student learning schedule
- The 2020-2021 Academic Year will be a hybrid one, with a blend of online and onsite courses and semester I will be divided into two learning periods:
- Period 1 – October 1st to November 10th (5 weeks)
- Period 2 – November 11th to December 17th (5 weeks)
- and one Resit period: December 18th – December 21st
Note: at any point, we are prepared to switch completely online or completely onsite according to the evolution of the pandemic and the regulations imposed by the authorities.
- Students attending Year I or Year II of the BA Program at American Hotel Academy will be divided into 4 groups and either attend onsite courses (Period 1 above) and online courses (Period 2 above) OR online courses (Period 1 above) and onsite courses (Period 2 above)
- Each course will be studied for 8 consecutive working days with the final exam/project scheduled for the 8th day
- Practical training will be done during the Onsite period for each student, and will be organized in subgroups
- Students attending Year III will have all classes online, and will meet biweekly for Dissertation sessions, project work, tutoring and career counseling.
- For the students who wish to enroll in Year III and have not yet obtained an IELTS 6.5 or similar, the British Council offers an online exam – IELTS Indicator, organized weekly, with results available within 7 days. Students can take this exam from home. More info can be found here: https://www.britishcouncil.ro/en/exam/ielts/which-test/ielts-indicator
- MSc students will have all classes online in October and November and an onsite session in December
- To support students in progressing to the following year, ease their internship application and make available more opportunities, a special Resit session will be organized for Year I and Year II between August 24th and September 10th, 2020.
Note: all students should follow the regular communication channels for each year, to access the most current information regarding class scheduling and resits.
Safety measures while on campus:
We are closely monitoring and following all regulations imposed by the Romanian authorities. Specifically Order no. 587/3.07.2020, of the Ministry of Health regarding the prevention of pandemic effects. Therefore, we ensured that:
- Each 45 minutes of class, will be followed by 15 minute breaks for airing the room.
- Scheduling will be done so that groups of students will not meet during breaks or beginning/end of classes
- Social distancing of 1.5 m will be ensured in all classrooms
- Special hygienic measures will be taken throughout the building, such as: disinfectant dispensers available at the entrance of each room, triage before the beginning of each class etc.
- Onsite practical trainings will be held in smaller groups, to ensure social distancing and safety measures are enforced
- Year I and Year II Students will need to spend a block of 5 weeks onsite (Period 1 or Period 2 above), in Brasov.
- Year III students will spend 1 day on site every (other) week.
Students need to plan accommodation accordingly. The Academy will suggest housing alternatives for students and support them in searching for the most appropriate accommodation.
The Academy is aware that there might be financial burdening due to the pandemic situation. As such we are committed to support all our students in continuing and completing their studies with us. We have therefore devised several financial support measures:
- For new Year I students, we provide 150 euro discount if the students pay their entire 1st year tuition fee by July 31st 2020
- For Year II and Year III students we provide 150 euro discount if the students pays their entire year tuition fee by September 30th 2020
- The tuition fee can now be paid in 10 installments starting September 15th 2020 and ending on June 15th 2021.
The Academy strives to keep you updated on all measures taken during the pandemic period. Therefore please check our website starting July 31st for specific information about organization, sanitation and safety measures, academic schedule and any other information you will need to comfortably and securely start or continue your journey with American Hotel Academy, come October.
Va asiguram ca monitorizam continuu situatia actualizata a pandemiei de Coronavirus (COVID-19) si ca raspundem constant cerintelor si informarilor oferite de autoritatile romane si internationale. Lucram activ la planificarea redeschiderii campusului astfel incat sa fim pregatiti sa va primim in siguranta la American Hotel Academy in Octombrie.
Sanatatea studentilor si a angajatilor nostri reprezinta pentru noi prioritatea numarul unu si facem tot posibilul sa le oferim siguranta in timpul situatiei actuale si in acelasi timp sa le cream un mediu stimulant, de calitate si atractiv, oferindu-le studentilor si pregatirea practica pe care o consideram vitala intr-o cariera in ospitalitate.
Programul academic al studentilor
- Anul academic 2020-2021 va fi din punct de vedere al cursurilor un an hybrid cu o parte de cursuri organizate online si o parte onsite. Semestrul I va fi structurat in doua perioade de invatare:
- Perioada 1 – 1.10.2020 – 10.11.2020 (5 saptamani)
- Perioada 2 – 11.11.20202 – 17.12.2020 (5 saptamani
- si o perioada de restante: 18.12.2020 – 21.12.2020
Nota: Academia este pregatita ca in orice moment sa treaca la predare 100% online sau 100% onsite, in functie de evolutia pandemiei si de regulile impuse de autoritati.
- Studentii din anul I sau de anul II al programului de licenta idn cadrul American Hotel Academy vor fi impartiti in 4 grupe, urmand sa participe la cursuri fie onsite (Perioada 1) si online (Perioada 2) SAU online (Perioada 1) si onsite (Perioada 2).
- Fiecare curs va fi studiat pe parcursul a 8 zile lucratoare, urmad ca examenul/proiectul final sa fie programat pentru ziua a 8-a.
- Pregatirea practica va fi efectuata in perioada petrecuta onsite de fiecare student si va fi organizata in subgrupe.
- Studentii din anul III vor sustine toate cursurile online, bilunar, cu prezenta onsite timp de 1 zi (in saptamana de cursuri) cand vor lucra la proiectul de licenta, la alte rapoarte sau proiecte, vor beneficia de tutoriat si consiliere in cariera.
- Pentru studentii care doresc sa se inscrie in anul III si inca nu au obtinut IELTS 6.5 sau echivalent, British Council le ofera posibilitatea unui examen online – IELTS Indicator, organizat saptamanal, cu rezultate disponibile in 7 zile. Studentii pot da examenul de acasa. Mai multe informatii despre acest examen se gasesc aici: https://www.britishcouncil.ro/en/exam/ielts/which-test/ielts-indicator
- Studentii de la programul de master vor sustine cursuri online in perioada Octombrie – Noiembrie si o sesiune onsite in Decembrie.
Masuri de siguranta luate in campus:
Monitorizam permanent si cu atentie toate regulile impuse de autoritatile romane, in special Ordinul 587/3.07.2020 al Ministerului Sanatatii cu privire la prevenirea si combaterea efectelor pandemiei. Astfel ne asiguram ca:
- Fiecare 45 de minute de curs sunt urmate de o pauza de 15 minute pentru aerisirea salii
- Programarea cursurilor se va face astfel incat grupele de studenti sa nu se intalneasca in timpul pauzelor, la inceputul sau finalul unui curs
- Se va asigura o distantare fizica de 1.5 m intre student in fiecare sala de clasa
- Se vor lua masuri de igienizare in toata cladirea precum: dispenser cu dezinfectant disponibil la intrarea in fiecare sala, triaj epidemiologic la inceputul fiecarui curs etc.
- Pregatirea practica in campus se va organiza in grupuri mici, pentru a asigura distantarea sociala si respectarea masurilor de siguranta.
- Studentii din anul I si din anul II vor trebui sa petreaca 5 saptamani consecutive onsite (Perioada 1 sau Perioada 2), in Brasov
- Studentii din anul III vor petrece 1 zi onsite (in saptamana de cursuri)
Sprijin financiar:
Academia recunoaste ca pot exista dificultati financiare datorate situatiei pandemice. Suntem insa hotarati sa sprijinim fiecare student in a-si continua si a-si finaliza studiile alaturi de noi. Astfel, am creat o serie de masuri financiare de sprijin:
- Pentru noii studenti din anul I, oferim un discount de 150 de euro la achitarea integrala a taxei de scolarizare pana la 31.07.2020
- Pentru studentii din anul II si anul III, oferim un discount de 150 de euro la achitarea in avans a taxei de scolarizare pana la 30.09.2020
- Taxa de scolarizare se va putea achita in 10 rate, incepand cu 15.09.2020 si incheind in 15.06.2021.
Academia doreste sa va tina la curent cu toate masurile luate in timpul perioadei de pandemie. Astfel incepand din 31.07.2020, puteti vizita website-ul academiei pentru a afla informatii specifice cu privire la organizare, masuri de siguranta si igiena, orar academic si orice alte informatii de care aveti nevoie pentru a va incepe sau a va continua calatoria academica intr-un mod confortabil si sigur la American Hotel Academy.