

    American Hotel Academy

    A Year in Hong Kong: Ambra’s Wonderful Journey

    Imagine arriving in a bustling city, brimming with energy and a fusion of cultures. Meet Ambra Alecu, whose journey took her from her homeland in Romania to the streets of Hong Kong. A year-long escapade that wasn’t just about work but an immersive cultural expedition.

    I totally fell in love with Hong Kong, I feel like it's my second home. I am totally considering a return soon. This experience helped me develop as a person and as a hotel employee, as well!

    After completing a Bachelor of Arts and a Master’s Degree at the American Hotel Academy, Ambra decided to head to Hong Kong. Her story began with the quarantine period in August 2022 due to pandemic protocols. However, this challenge did not dampen her spirits. After that, she jumped right into an amazing internship at the Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel, a new and fantastic spot in the center of Hong Kong.


    She started in the Guest Experience department, where she took care of VIP guests, making sure they had everything they needed. She handled tasks like arranging amenities and warmly greeting guests in the lobby, really enjoying her role.

    I loved my team and we were collaborating so well together. I was so lucky to work with members of Les Clefs d'Or association! I appreciated the fact that they were also very attentive to my personal needs.

    After a month, Ambra shifted to the Concierge department, a choice she never regretted. Working alongside esteemed members of Les Clefs d’Or association, she found her flow. Her shift—10 hours of dedication—involved not just attending to guests but coordinating with various departments, maintaining impeccable service.

    What really stood out was how Ambra connected with her coworkers and guests. Even though she was the only non-Asian there, she became excellent at her job and picked up Cantonese easily, making everyone feel more connected.

    The guests also liked me a lot, and I received a lot of compliments from them. My attitude was always professional, but friendly.

    However, Ambra’s life wasn’t only about the hotel. She was drawn to Hong Kong’s exciting culture. Whether she was out dining late at night, meeting locals, or making friends (including another Romanian), every experience felt like a new adventure.


    During her busy work life, Ambra managed to explore beyond Hong Kong’s borders, visiting South Korea and China’s Hainan Island, creating unforgettable memories along the way.

    I also did a lot of special things, like meeting a very famous film director, attending interesting events, and meeting impressive people.

    Hong Kong is known for being pricey, but Ambra discovered some affordable hidden gems around the city. Also, her company provided her a place to stay in the fanciest part of town, giving her a peek into the luxurious side of Hong Kong.

    Looking back on her life-changing experience, Ambra confesses that Hong Kong now feels like a second home to her. The city’s mix of Eastern and Western influences, along with incredible encounters and her own personal growth, has deeply impacted her life.

    This was my first experience living abroad. In one year, I didn't have time to miss Romania!

    As Ambra thinks about going back to this exciting city, her story shows how amazing things happen when you accept change, explore new cultures, and let the journey make you a better person. Hong Kong has not just become a city in her memories but an integral chapter in her life’s narrative—an experience that has defined Ambra’s outlook and career in the world of hospitality.


    Article written by the AHA Marketing department. ❤️