A Day of Joy, Inspiration, and Discovery: Highlights from Our Summer Open Day
The first edition of the Summer Open Day at American Hotel Academy took place last Saturday, July 20th, and proved to be a resounding success. Designed as a pleasant and relaxing event, it provided prospective students with a unique opportunity to explore their future career paths and learn more about the diverse programmes and opportunities available at AHA.

Warm Welcome and Programmes Overview
The day kicked off with a warm welcome and an introduction to AHA’s programmes by our Admissions Coordinator, Alina Bors. She provided detailed information about the academy’s offerings, highlighting the unique aspects of each programme and the numerous opportunities available to students.
An Inspirational Journey from Miami
Andrei Crizbasan, an esteemed AHA graduate, connected with participants right from Miami, Florida. Andrei shared his personal journey at AHA, explaining why he chose AHA, detailing his experiences during his studies, and describing how AHA helped him achieve his American dream. His inspirational story resonated deeply with the attendees, providing them with a real-life example of the potential success awaiting them.

Introducing the AHA Career Center
Ana Leah, Director of Organizational Development, introduced the AHA Career Center. She outlined the comprehensive career services offered by us, including international internship opportunities in Europe, the USA, and beyond. Her presentation highlighted the academy’s commitment to ensuring students gain valuable global experience and build strong professional networks.
Personal Growth and Professional Development
Ioana Boșcă, AHA’s Placement Coordinator and an alumna herself, shared her personal journey and how her time at AHA contributed significantly to her development and personality growth. Her insights emphasized the transformative impact of the academy’s programmes on students’ personal and professional lives.

Exploring Opportunities in the Hospitality Industry
Another highlight of the event was a heartfelt speech by Ioana Turcas, AHA BA Program Leader. She spoke passionately about the hospitality programs offered at AHA and the vast opportunities within the hospitality industry. Her enthusiasm and depth of knowledge provided attendees with a clear picture of the dynamic and rewarding careers that AHA graduates can pursue.
Insights into the Digital Business Programme
Guest speaker – Eliza Ciobanu, an affiliate lecturer, delivered an engaging talk on the digital business program offered by AHA. She provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of the digital field, underscoring the significance of digital business knowledge in the business industry and beyond.

American Hotel Academy Tour
Following the informative sessions, participants were given an in-depth tour of the academy’s facilities. This tour allowed them to gain firsthand experience of the learning environment and resources available at AHA, further solidifying their understanding and appreciation of what the academy offers.
Interactive Quiz and Special Prizes
The day concluded with an interactive quiz, testing the participants’ knowledge about AHA and the information shared during the event. Three winners emerged with the most correct answers and were congratulated with special prizes, adding a fun and competitive element to the day.

Summer Open Day 2024 at American Hotel Academy was not only an informative and enjoyable experience but also a successful initiative in helping prospective students make informed decisions about their future. The event showcased the academy’s commitment to excellence, the success of its graduates, and the vast opportunities available to those who join AHA community.