

    American Hotel Academy

    A Motivational Beginning: American Hotel Academy’s 2024 Opening Ceremony

    The American Hotel Academy (AHA) welcomed a new chapter in its legacy of shaping future leaders with an unforgettable opening ceremony for the 2024-2025 academic year. Today it was more than an event—it was a celebration of dreams, aspirations, and the start of remarkable journeys in the Hospitality Management, Digital Business Bachelor of Arts, and Master in Business Administration (MBA) programs. This day wasn’t only about the beginning of academic pursuits, it was about the embrace of a community that cherishes growth, innovation, and a deep love for service.


    Welcoming First-Year Students and Their Families 

    The air buzzed with excitement as we warmly welcomed our enthusiastic first-year students and their proud parents. For many, this marked more than just a new academic year—it was the beginning of a lifelong adventure in the dynamic worlds of hospitality and digital business. AHA understood the weight of this moment and made sure it felt as meaningful as it truly was. 


    Words of Inspiration from the Program Leaders 

    Mrs. Ioana Turcas and Mrs. Ioana Netcu, the Hospitality Management and respectively the Digital Business Bachelor of Arts program leaders took the stage and, with grace and wisdom, offered words that inspired every student in the room. Their messages set the tone for a year that promises transformation, opportunities and an exciting new start. 


    Mr. Attila Joos’ Empowering Speech 

    One of the most moving moments of the ceremony came when Mr. Attila Joos, the CEO of Aro Palace Hotel (future Hyatt Regency), took the floor. His words weren’t just heard—they were felt. With insight drawn from his respected career, he shared lessons on how a leader in this industry should act. His speech lit a fire of ambition and purpose in the hearts of the new students, reminding them that their future is as vast as their imagination. 


    A Master Student’s Touching Testimony 

    Raul Chicomban, a master’s student who had already walked the path the new students are about to take, shared his personal journey through AHA’s transformative education. 


    The Pineapple Tradition: A Symbol of Hospitality and Tradition 

    The day was further brightened by AHA’s beloved Pineapple Tradition, where the best second-year student passes on a pineapple—the universal symbol of hospitality—to the best first-year student. This moment represented the handing down of knowledge, passion, and the spirit of community that defines AHA. The pineapple served as a sweet reminder of the welcoming atmosphere that every new student is now a part of. 


    Thank you to all who joined us and made this day special 

    Our deepest gratitude goes out to everyone who joined us in this celebration of new beginnings. Your presence made this day extraordinary. It was a moment of unity, one that strengthened the bonds that make AHA a home for those passionate about hospitality and digital business education. 

    Together, we look forward to all that this year will bring. With open hearts.  

    Article written by the AHA Marketing department. ❤️