FIHR Open Days
What is FIHR Open Days?
The 6th-7th of May will be all about the future hospitality. FIHR (Federația Industriei Hoteliere din România) is hosting its annual “Zilele Porților Deschise În Industria Ospitalității.”
Already in its second edition, the event aims to raise awareness and promote the hospitality industry as a viable career option for middle school and high school students.
Happening on a national scale, hotels across the country will open their doors to interested students and show them both the customer-facing side of their operations as well as behind-the-scenes happenings. The tours will be coupled with discussions, workshops, and a national raffle.
But what does that have to do with the school? For the first time, FIHR is adding hospitality education entities to the mix. That’s where we come in.
FIHR Open Days at American Hotel Academy
Students will be able to visit the schools alongside the hotels. Naturally, we signed up and we’re excited to announce that we’ll open our doors for students on:
- Friday between 09:30-15:00
- Saturday between 12:30-15:00
We’ll take them on a tour of our own, talk about our educational programmes, host a hospitality workshop, and of course host our share of the national raffle.
Interested middle and high schoolers can sign up until tomorrow, Thursday, 5th of May, at 15:00.
We can’t wait to meet the future of Romania’s hospitality industry!