

    learn Your VOICE!

    Student Government

    All for one and one for all!
    Student Government is an entity created by the students for the students with the purpose to facilitate a bonding between the students, faculty and administrative staff. We aim to provide opportunities for shared governance, career and personal development, as well as social events and activities, from theme parties to community service and assistance.

    Lead or be part of the Student Government

    At the beginning of each academic year, the students who want to make a difference run for the Student President position. All the other students vote for their preferred candidate after attending the presidential debate, during which each candidate share their vision and governing plans and answer questions from the audience.
    Any student can be part of TASTE Academy’s Student Government! Anyone who would like to get involved and make a difference gets the chance to apply for a member position in one of the departments.
    Don’t be shy! If you enjoy talking to people, solving issues, work in a team, or you just have creative ideas, you have a place in this team!

    Student President

    Serves as a liaison between the students and the faculty and leads the Student Government. He/she is elected by the students at the beginning of each academic year.

    Head of Events

    Creates, delivers and evaluates student events and activities (parties, shows, theme clubs, workshops).

    Head of PR

    In charge of Student Government communication platforms

    Head of Projects

    Creative and ambitious team, always looking to implement new projects

    Head of Interns

    Assists both students currently undertaking internships as well as students in the placing process

    Group Representatives

    Elected reps by each academic group to sit in Student Government

    Student Voice

    Tell us what you think – your VOICE is heard! During the academic year, our students have the opportunity to give us feedback about their student experience, using different channels:
    FOCUS GROUPS – Academic and Service oriented meetings in which you can say what you like and what you do not like, taking place once every semester with a group of students that represent the student body.
    STUDENT GOVERNMENT – The entity which you can be a part of, by just being a group representative. This role is important as you serve as a representative of your colleagues and a liaison between them and the academic tutor.
    STUDENT SURVEYS – Students' evaluation of academic services