

    American Hotel Academy

    covid19 vaccination rates within our academies for students, staff and collaborating staff

    Vaccination Rates in Our Academies

    As the final exams and projects are being submitted, we look back on a tough but very exciting and rewarding year, where in-person courses could resume and where we could offer the full experience.


    At the beginning of the year, when all education staff was eligible for the jab we answered the call. We’ve been answering ever since and wanted to find out how our fight was going. Our HR and Academics departments, with the help of Student Services and the Student Government, counted all stakeholders on their vaccination status. All students were taken into account, including those that did not wish to disclose this information. That is their choice and we respect it.


    The responsibility shown by everyone involved is great to see and we’re confident that at least in our little bubble we can offer a safer environment for learning and practice. While this pandemic is temporary, the years of one’s education are a time that shapes their future, and therefore shouldn’t be hindered by anything.


    We’re glad that most of our stakeholders have bought into our vision and look forward to getting through these trying times together. Safety is important, but so is education.


    Stay safe everyone!

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