[RO] Planificarea anului academic 2020 – 2021
În urma pandemiei declanșată de COVID-19, departamentul academic a luat o serie de măsuri privind anul academic 2020-2021. Anul academic 2020-2021 va fi un an hibrid din punct de vedere al cursurilor cu o parte de cursuri online și cealaltă
AEE CAMPUS Deoarece American European Education continuă să monitorizeze îndeaproape răspândirea SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), această pagină vă oferă informații în timp util despre măsurile adoptate, necesare redeschiderii campusului și despre siguranța desfășurării activității academice. Începând cu Septembrie 2020, obiectivul nostru este să revenim
When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Find The Best Solutions Together
The economy has its ups and downs and right now, it’s in a bit of a tough spot. We all feel it, both on the business and personal side. At the end of the day we all have bills to pay
Your Education & Your Safety Are Our Top Priorities – EN/RO
[EN] While we are continually monitoring the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and are responding to information and guidance from Romanian and International authorities, we are working hard to develop plans for the reopening of campus, ready to welcome you to American
PreCampus – it’s your secret boost!
What if on the first day of school you already knew half of your peers? Then, you would feel at home, right? You would be smiling, confident and showing the best part of you! 😊 We care about your success and your wellbeing and we wish that you start your
Your Wellbeing Matters
Our wellbeing in these times is more important than ever. Self-care both physical and psychological are key pillars that help us keep going. We sat down with Ana Leah, our Organizational Development Manager to talk about our students' and candidates'
Hospitality is Here to Stay – Opinions from Around the World
Returning to normalcy. That’s what everyone is waiting for. The question is when and how, rather than if. Will it be a new a normal or the one we’re all used to? We sat down last week with Mircea Drăghici, Managing Director
Hospitality is here to stay – interview with Mircea Drăghici
Returning to normalcy. That’s what everyone is waiting for. The question is when and how, rather than if. Will it be a new a normal or the one we’re all used to? So far it seems to be the former, with several
We adapt – interview with Ada Țerea
[0:00:00] – Felicia Forte - Hello, today we will speak with Ada Țerea, our Academic Director. Ada, hello! [0:00:10] – Ada Țerea – Hello [0:00:12] – Felicia - We have a few questions for you. The first one is how has our school adapted the
We are here to help you apply online
Flexibility is key in this pandemic period. Every business is pivoting and you’ve probably already seen every company you follow share their experience. Some have gone digital overnight while others have struggled to keep up but still found a way. Luckily